Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cant decide on what program to try?

How to choose a weight loss program
One of the several methods to fight obesity is weight loss programs. As the bid is various to choose the right one, the one which will not affect your health and has the right outcome, it is a good idea to consult your doctor or a health care specialist first and ask their opinions. In case you decide to go on your own, here are a few facts a rational and good-working weight-loss program should contain:· Healthy eating plans to help reduce calories, but do not rule out specific foods or food groups. Lacking from the basic nutrients your body only suffers and the whole weight loss procedure can turn out disastrously.· If not in the program, at least attached to it some regular physical activity and exercise instructions.Tips on healthy behavior changes:· The program should offer a slow and steady weight loss of about ¾ to 2 pounds per week and not more than 3.· Medical advice if you are planning to lose weight according to a special formula, such as very-low-calorie diet or have any health problems or take medication on a regular basis. · A plan to keep the weight off, after you’ve lost it. Some programs last a specific period of time not covering the period after the weight loss procedure, when the risk to regain the lost fat increases.In no circumstances go into a program which cuts off water or the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) for vitamins, minerals and protein. The process of weight-loss should be low in calories only, not in essential foodstuffs and never forget about the benefit of the daily exercise.

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